/ Services

Technical Food Marketing Support

Industrial suppliers use our combined knowledge of the food market and technologies as support of their technical marketing to European customers. Over the years we have helped clients in various ways. This can be as simple as distribution of technical promotional material to industrial European clients, technical on-site visits, or as complex as problem solving when the client has problems. Better marketing support is given on a continuous basis (e.g., 1 day per week), but ad-hoc services are also possible. We adjust to your needs. Below some ways in which suppliers can use our services:

Customer Technical Needs

In order to offer your industrial customer new products that fit his needs, you need to find out what his development plans are. Our food specialists help you researching these future needs in an independent and confidential manner. Using an external specialist has several advantages, and complements your efforts: Your client may feel more at ease with an independent, external specialist; fresh ways to look at the situation; innovative solutions arising from cross-over of knowledge of the external specialist.

Surveying customer technical needs can be done for one or a group of customers. A questionnaire is prepared and discussed with you, and forms the basis of the survey. Surveys can be done at distance (telephone) or at location (customer's company). It can be done independently or in collaboration with your personnel.

Customer Technical Satisfaction Survey

Industrial clients are the life line to your company and thus very important to you. Being able to solve technical issues that your customer may have with your product directly translate in keeping your customer. Thus you must know of any issues; that is what these technical surveys of customer satisfaction achieve. And when there are no issues, customers appreciate your good service efforts, and the survey contributes to retain their loyalty.

This technical survey can be carried out individually or for a group of customers. It can be ' formal' or 'informal'; desk research or field research.

Surveys are based on questionnaires, prepared by us based on your questions and situation, and agreed with you. We keep you informed as the survey proceeds, so that you are always informed and in control of the project.


see Technical Market


To learn more about Technical Food Market Services
please contact technical-market@foodlinkforum.com